Saturday, May 29, 2010

Will Libraries Survive

Yesterday my physical therapist asked "Do you think libraries will survive?" when I told him I was in the MLIS program. I told him I thought they would if they learn to adapt to the new technologies available. He replied with "But you can already find everything on the Internet. Why would anyone go to the library."

This I believe is a commonly held opinion. While this opinion dismays me I do not believe it to be true. There is much that has been published that is not available on the Internet. There are great works that people who do not read flip through books will never know about. This along with recent discussion I have had led me to contact my programmer friends. I am hoping that they might have a solution on how to make the library books easier to search. It would be great if we could come up with a google or bing for libraries but at the very least it will get a conversation started.

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